Cities and communities must be sustainable. More and more of the world’s population lives in urban centers, and this is often also the place where our universities are located. Cities can be places of great innovation and opportunity, but they can also harbor great poverty and inequality. The interaction between universities and their communities, urban and rural, must be positive and capable of lasting through different generations.

Universities act as custodians of the environmental heritage in their communities; a sustainable community must have access to its history and culture to thrive.

How does the University of León contribute to the achievement of this objective?

Fin de la pobreza
Hambre Cero
Salud y Bienestar
Educación de Calidad
Igualdad de Género
Agua limpia y Saneamiento
Energía Asequible y no Contaminante
Trabajo decente y Crecimiento económico
Industria, Innovación e Infraestructura
Reducción de las Desigualdades
Ciudades y Comunidades sostenibles
Producción y Consumo responsable
Acción por el clima
Vida submarina
Vida dde Ecosistemas terrestres
Paz, Justicia e Instituciones sólidas
Alianzas para lograr los Objetivos
Alianzas para lograr los Objetivos

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Year 2022-23

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